Global 3D Printing 1.0, December 2020 - July 2023


Our first project started in autumn 2017 at a teachers exchange with the question: "What can we learn from each other?". After a successful pilot, completed in 2018 and since December 2020, NOVA College (Netherlands), Technicum (Sweden) and Berufsbildende Schulen (BBS) Soltau (Germany), together with associated partner Oakton Community College in Chicago (USA), have collaborated in the Erasmus+ supported (KA2) project ‘1 for All, Global 3D Printing’. The objective of this project is to create a shared (through live and online international  exchanges) curriculum (including training the teacher) on 3D printing for level 2 (secondary vocational education) students. 

The project aims to enhance student’s digital (3D design and print, cloud-based file management, setting up and conference calls), and (intercultural) communication (English language, writing, presenting) and  collaboration (listening, problem solving, planning) skills. 

The project is on course and results are already (literally) impressive, as – for example – a 3-meter statue of 3D printed building blocks has been erected in all partner institution locations. More importantly, students have enhanced their skills and expanded their horizon through international cooperation.



The project in its current form (1 for all Global 3D printing project untill June 2022 - YouTube) will end in July 2023. However, several current and new partner schools have already shown interest to participate in a follow-up KA2 project.

Nova College, the project lead of the current project, indicated that it very much appreciates the  innovative teaching in the project, but that it does not wish to continue its project lead position. This leads to the notion that future international cooperation between schools may benefit from a  small and flexible coordinating organization, acting as a project lead and secretary for future  projects. This resulted in the foundation of 1 for All Education, an Amsterdam based foundation with the aim to enhance innovative tech education with a focus on international exchange, sustainability, and digital skills. 



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